

Zapri Franc Valt Jurečič

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Zapri Heraldik und Vexillologie

Zapri Heraldry and Vexillology


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Zapri Zastave, drogovi, galanterija


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Heraldry and Vexillology - Flag designs


The practice of Vexillological design has shown that we can identify certain un-formalised flag designs. Depending on the criteria of a cultural area, we find these designs in the following order:

-the ‘Socialist’ flag; often, these flags display various ideological symbols,
-the Pan-Slavic flag; these flags usually display the three main colours of Blue, Red and White,
-the Pan-Arabic flag; these flags usually display the Green colour charged with a White moon crescent,
-the Scandinavian flag; these flags usually display the Scandinavian cross,
-the Latin-American flag; these flags usually display a combination of Blue and White colours.
Depending on the make of a flags’ bunting, we can distinguish whole and combined flag designs. The combined design usually contains horizontal, vertical or diagonal colour stripes, and can contain triangular or rectangular colour fields or any combination of the afore mentioned attributes.
We can also distinguish flags with or without Symbols of State. The hierarchy of countries’ flag designs should be clearly evident from these designs, so as to enable the flags’ exact station when displayed with other flags.

On a global scale, we can also recognise various flag designs which are further charged with different symbols. These symbols very rarely consist of entire coats of arms.

Regional flags (in some cases also City and Communal flags) around Europe are usually designed with only two colours and a coat of arms mainly so that they can be immediately recognised as such (not to be confused with a State flag).

Again for clearer recognition all other flags (excepting State, National, Regional and Capital City), most flag designs are simpler, almost never containing a whole coat of arms, but usually only the charge.

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