Franc Valt Jurečič
HV društva
Teorija in zakonitosti
- Kaj je heraldika?
- Kaj je grb?
- Kaj je veksilologija?
- Kaj je zastava?
- Kakšna mora biti zastava?
- Stili zastav
- Kroji zastav
- Uporaba zastave v SLO
- Grbi dežel in pokrajin
Heraldik und Vexillologie
- Was ist Heraldik?
- Was ist ein Wappen?
- Was ist Vexillologie?
- Was ist die Flagge?
- Zu den Farben der Flagge
- Zu der Formen der Flaggen
- Was ist eine fahne?
- Das Flaggenwesen in Slowenien
Heraldry and Vexillology
Zastave, drogovi, galanterija
523621 obiskov
1 obiskovalec na zvezi
As it stands, Slovenia has 2 legitimate flags; the State and the National flag. The National flags’ design consists of a 1:2 bunting size, with three, horizontally arranged colour stripes. These follow the order of colour of the coat of arms of Carniolae region. The colour order is (top to bottom) White, Blue and Red.
The State flag is based on the National flag, with the addition of the State's emblem. The State emblem is placed in the upper left area of the flag, and is positioned (symmetrically) on the White and Blue stripes, reaching the mid section line of both (mid of the White stripe at the top, and mid of the Blue stripe at the bottom).
Slovenia is composed of historical Regions (these are: Carniolae (Land Krain), Styria (Land Steyr Mark), Carinthia (Land Kaernten), Region of Mur (Murgebiet), Littorale (Kuestenland) and Histria (Land Istrien) regions), each of which has it's own symbols of identification (coat of arms and flag). As it stands at this point in time, Slovenia has not yet been formally divided into these Regions. Legally and formally, Slovenia can only lay claim to the symbols of identification of the central region of Carniolae (Dežela Kranjska). The coat of arms of this region, is composed of a Blue Eagle charged on a Silver (white) shield. It is also the only known coat of arms which contains a Blue Eagle as it's main charge.
Regional have also not yet been defined, as they would have to follow the not yet existent code of organisation of all Slovenian symbols of identification.
Slovenia’s capital city Ljubljana, has a flag design (which mirrors the design of the Regions) which consists of a White and Green horizontally arranged colour stripe charged with the cities coat of arms.
The Municipal symbols of identification have; in part, not yet been defined by uniform legislation, but the need for this is very much evident.
The legislature for Communities symbols of identification has been in place since December 1993. It states that every Community has a right to it’s own symbol of identification, which can be coat of arms. The latter can also be used as a base for a Communal flag.
Locality symbols of identification have no legislature, but some use more or less adapted symbols.
As this writing is composed, it is 2003, and Slovenia has begun the official competition for newer, clearer symbols of identification (both coat of arms and flag), which are to be used for clear and distinct identification upon entering the European Union. These new symbols are also to be used as a foundation for future organising of all symbols of identification on all levels.
The State Armed Forces use it’s own flag. It is based on the National flag and charged with the Armed Forces’ emblem.
Units within the organisation bear their own banners, most of which consist of the National flag with additional emblems.
The temporary flag of the Slovene Naval Armed Forces is composed of a three-striped horizontal bunting, where the stripes bear the (top to bottom) White, Blue and Yellow colours. This state of affairs indicates that Vexillology within the Armed Forces was; until recently, not being resolved on a Professional level. Recently however, the Armed Forces have taken serious steps to remedy the situation, by employing 'Heraldika d.o.o.' in order to organise a clearer hierarchy of their symbols of identification.